Behind The Artist

Hey guys,

Yea I know, once again I missed a couple of entries, but let me tell you, that job search life was no joke!!But I am happy to report the big search is over and in a couple of months I will be starting a new journey and a new career. I am pretty excited about 2017, that’s for sure.

So about what we are going to be talking about today, a good friend of mine said this to me “Aby, when I scroll through your social media, yes I see your art and its great and all, but..I don’t see you, how are people supposed to connect with your art, if you don’t allow them to connect with you?”

I really never thought about it, but that got me thinking, and well I guess she is right!so today I figure I’d introduce myself and share a few things you might or might not know about me, and see how that goes!:)

Hi all, my name is Abiola, I go by Abi (Aby on paintings) and I am a visual artist…among a whole lot of other things!

I am Italian. I was born and raised in Parma ( the land or prosciutto and Parmesan cheese, for lack of better references). Italian is my first language simultaneously as English, but being my parents Nigerians I also understand one of their languages, which is Yoruba, I went to a scientific high school and I wanted to be a pediatrician.

I was a professional basketball player. After coming to Texas in 2002 with the intention of playing college ball, life was kind enough to grant me my wish. I played at Baylor, won a national championship and kept the ball rolling ( ah!! unintentional pun) by playing in Europe: Israel, Hungary, Spain, Italy and England. This went on right up until last March when my body kindly( or not!) let me know it was time to retire and move on to other life activities because well…my knees had enough, and I had no choice but to listen.

I like to learn. While playing in Israel I enrolled in an Ulpan class, that’s where Jewish people who are going through the process of aliyah usually go to learn Hebrew…I just had time to spare! While in England I went to grad school to get a master degree in International business management, but just in case that didn’t turn out to be a successful choice, I also took the LSAT and got accepted into law school as a backup plan. I was totally ready to sacrifice three more years of “adulting” to get what I wanted, but as you’ll have it, the master was enough for me to get what I actually wanted!

Languages. And cultures might be my most favorite thing ever in life  right along art! I speak Español, Italiano, English and I can get away with Hebrew (עברית)  and Yoruba. I also recently find out I can hold a whole convo in Portuguese by responding with the few words I do know and a mix of Spanish and English, lol but I do need to learn Brazilian Portuguese to a proficient level soon!

Shy. I am a very shy person, might not always translate as shyness but I promise I am not mean!lol  Being an artist was the easiest way for me to communicate with people without really having to say much, that was the case until I started taking part in art shows and painting live. It’s a work in progress and can be a bit scary at times, but I am getting better, especially in the “talking in front of a crowd” category.

Well, that’s it for now….I would hate to give too much away!:)

But will love it if you had anything you’d like to know and asked!!!

Ciao for now,

Be Art,



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